Starsky Brines I Hendrik Zimmer
In Dialogue.
9 September 2022 - 22 October 2022
For this exhibition, the two artists, known for their powerful paintings, have entered a dialogue with each other’s work. Thus, in addition to works from the latest series by Starsky Brines and Hendrik Zimmer, we also present works that have emerged from this artistic exchange. In the process, the gestural ductus in Brines’ expressive painting, which shifts between figuration and abstraction, meets Zimmer’s latest series of abstract, reduced, and rather planar colored woodcuts on rough canvases. However, the exhibition not only highlights the formal and thematic differences between the two, but also reveals their artistic convergence.
When Hendrik Zimmer emphasizes that his paintings emerge from ‘the making, the work, the cycle’, he could also be talking about Starsky Brines’ work. Both artists are constantly refining their artistic work. Thus, working on a painting that is currently in process leads them simultaneously to ideas and approaches for further pieces. For both, everything is in process, in motion. So it is only consistent that both Brines and Zimmer emphasize that for them the artistic process is the central factor in their work and lives. Both are driven by the idea that only the permanent engagement with their images and the associated work flows can push them forward creatively.
Both receive their impulses from ‘their fascination with the world, its beauty and its abysses’ (Zimmer), which they each translate into their pictures with their different means. While Brines draws on his human and animal characters and his expressive artistic language, which oscillates between painting and drawing, Zimmer relies on a clear, geometric language, especially in his most recent paintings. He assembles abstract forms and objects in such a way as to create spaces and gaps that the viewers can fill with their own associations.